photography, installation, public art, performance

He was born in 1979 in Chervonohrad, Lviv region,
Ukraine. He studied philosophy at Taras Shevchenko
National University of Kyiv (1997-1998) and National
University of «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy» (1998-2002).

Vorotniov works with codes of subculture, moving from
graffiti and subcultural graphics toward concept art and
street art-povera. Ethnographic studies of the city, namely
focus on the traces of the Soviet material culture which are
disappearing, and its transformation into post-Soviet forms,
with particular attention to decommunization, vandalism,
modern spontaneous (non)architecture and garbage culture,
fall into the spheres of his artistic interests. To explore public
space and to delve deeper into the street context, the artist
chooses a type of behavior known in culture as «fl âneur».

In spring of 2017, he walked on foot from his hometown
Chervonograd to Lysychansk in Donbass, carrying a
sample of Western Ukrainian coal (W/E Walk Project).